Photo Credit: UISG

Grant Making

Our primary activity is the provision of financial grants worldwide.

Grants are intended to:

  • Promote innovative and collaborative solutions.
  • Assist congregations to prepare themselves for and to respond to the existing needs of their elderly.
  • Develop models of good practice in consecrated women ‘whole being’, and women religious eldercare.

Please note that:

  • We fund collaborative efforts, not individual organisations.
  • We fund globally, with a focus on supporting sisters in vulnerable contexts
  • We have different categories of grants, including for planning and
  • Projects should provide solutions that address long-term structural needs with a small portion of the project focused on more urgent short-term needs.
  • While a portion of the budget can be for the purchase of items such as equipment, or for undertaking small renovations, we do not fund capital expenditure such as building retirement facilities.

Please watch this space for future developments. In the meantime, you can fill out the expression of interest in funding form below.

The below form is not an invitation to apply for funding, nor is it a grant application. It is simply an expression of interest in funding. This will allow the Anna Trust Board and leadership to be more aware of the funding needs to inform their decision making.