“Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone… Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, until I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come.”

Psalm 71:9,18

Photo Credit: Sr. Veronica Indrawati, Daughters of Mary and Joseph. Indonesian nun dedicates life to making elderly people happy. (Union of Catholic Asia News)

We have before us a Kairos moment to address an injustice against our elderly Sisters, while also providing hope for new vocations and the ongoing impact of thousands of sponsored ministries globally. The challenge of preparing congregations around the world to take care of their elderly is simply too big for one organization to tackle alone. It requires many of us investing in a solution together.

We invite you to be a part of this solution and ask you to consider partnering with us.

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Prayer for the Elderly

From Psalm 90:

Lord, you have always been our refuge: before you created the hills, before you brought theworld into being, you are God from all time - and you will be God for ever; a thousand years in your sight are like yesterday, already gone. We are like flowers that spring up in the morning, bloom in the afternoon and die in the evening: Lord, you know our weakness and our sinfulness - teach us how short our life is, so that we may become wiser.

We pray for those Sisters worldwide who know their days are numbered, and for those whose strength is fading; we remember those whose later years are passing by, those who are weak, or in trouble or sorrow: Lord, have pity on them, fill them each morning with your love that they may praise you and be glad. Give them as much happiness as they have had sadness; let them see your strength, and your blessing upon those they love; O Lord, bless them and prosper them.

In the name of Jesus our redeemer.
