"Being elderly is a gift from God and a huge resource, an achievement to be safeguarded with care, even in the case of disabling illnesses... And it is undeniable that the pandemic has given strength to our awareness that the 'wealth of years’ is a treasure to be valued and protected.”
Old Age: Our Future — The Elderly After the Pandemic, Pontifical Academy for Life and the Dicastery for Integral Human Development, February 9, 2021.
Photo credit: Sr. Thérèse Raad, SdC

about us
Welcome to the web home of the Anna Trust: Catholic Sisters’ Elder Care Fund.
We hope that this website provides you and your congregation with a source of inspiration, encouragement and practical assistance through our information and resources on aging well, stories of success, and opportunities to partner in intergenerational fraternity.
To find out more about the Anna Trust:

Our primary activity is the provision of financial grants worldwide.
Grants are intended to:
- Promote innovative and collaborative solutions.
- Assist congregations to prepare themselves for and to respond to the existing needs of their elderly.
- Develop models of good practice in consecrated women ‘whole being’, and women religious eldercare.

Collaborate and Connect
Collaborate and Connect
As a globally focused organisation, we seek to contribute to the development of a global sisterhood.
There are a lot of exciting things happening in our world of elder care!

There are several ways you can contribute to the improvement of lives of elderly sisters around the world!
Financial donations can be made via DonorBox or Paypal direct. Click here to find out more ways to partner with us: